Armani Ferrante, CEO & Founder of Backpack, joins Remy Blaire at the New York Stock Exchange to discuss centralized crypto exchanges as the onramp for crypto users worldwide. They also discuss the improving clarity of regulatory environment in the U.S for crypto founders and benefits to the industry at large.

...what makes crypto so special - and one of the most important innovations that the industry has brought forward is the ability to actually self-custody your assets. So another really important part of our business is not only a centralized exchange which provides a trading platform of sorts but also self-custodial wallets. Where it's the epitome of economic freedom, where it's your keys, your coins, and no individual or intermediary can ever really get in the way of that.
What we're really seeing is a resurgence of optimism, and a re-making of the crypto brand here in the U.S...[crypto is] a core pillar of the future of finance and an emerging technology in the same level as AI, the internet, software as a service...
- Armani Ferrante